Our prices are based on size and breed requirements.
Small dogs - £25.50 per day
Westies, Cairns, Jack Russels, Shih Tzu's, Lhasa Apsos, Bichon's, Pugs, KC Spaniels, Chihuahuas etc
Medium dogs - £27.30 per day
Beagles, Standard size Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Springer Spaniels, Bedlington Terriers, Corgis', and Miniature Schnauzers etc.
Large dogs - £29.10 per day
Labradors, Dalmations, Collies, Retrievers, Cross Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Airedales, Boxers, Bull Terriers, Pointers, Setters etc.
Giant dogs - £30.90 per day
Rottweiler's, Wiermeraners, Newfoundland's, Great Danes, Bernease Mountain Dogs, Dobermans, Greyhounds etc.
Diabetic dogs - £43.20 per day
Cross bred dogs are priced on size or nearest to breed and will be assessed on arrival. These are our current prices and we reserve the right to amend these prices at any time.
Dogs with behavioural issues are priced at a different rate, just give us a call to discuss your dogs needs and we will give you a cost per day for them.
Cats - £16.80 per day
Diabetic cats - £30.00 per day
Daycare - £19.20 per day
Package deals available
Peak pricing over the festive season
(24th-26th December and 31st Dec - 2nd Jan)
Any dog - £39.00 per day
Diabetic dog = £51.00 per day
Cats - £24.00 per day
Diabetic cats - £40.50 per day
Please note.
The cost is per day, if you collect your pet before 12pm on the final day of their stay then you will not be charged for that day.
Booking confirmations and deposit requests sent by e-mail. These should be returned to confirm your bookings.
All deposits are non-refundable